Hello friend! Thank you for taking the time to stop by. I hope that you have found value in my blog.
If you’re interested in learning a little more about me, the creator of all you find here on The Practice of Positivity then you have come to the right place. To give you the short of it, I am a believer, pastor’s wife, mother, animal biologist, writer, library addict, collector of used books, lover of giant mammals, travel planner, movie trivia guru, lighthouse enthusiast, and overall, an energetic and driven individual who is (trying) to make time in life for this passion of mine called writing.
My career has touched a multitude of different areas, including work in animal care and medicine, fundraising and nonprofit work, and professional relationship development and management. But at the end of those travels I have found myself here, writing what’s on my heart and hoping someone out there enjoys it.
I consider my readers my friends and truly love to hear from you. You can connect with me at writedana@thepracticeofpositivity.com. I appreciate your outreach and will do my best to respond in a timely manner. Also, don’t forget to sign up for my monthly newsletter below. My newsletters allow my readers to get a bit more personal with me as well as provide quick updates about the blog. That way you won’t miss a thing.
Blessings to you today and every day, and again, thank you for visiting me here!

Hello friend! Thank you for taking the time to stop by. I hope that you have found value in my blog.
If you’re interested in learning a little more about me, the creator of all you find here on The Practice of Positivity then you have come to the right place. To give you the short of it, I am a believer, pastor’s wife, mother, animal biologist, writer, library addict, collector of used books, lover of giant mammals, travel planner, movie trivia guru, lighthouse enthusiast, and overall, an energetic and driven individual who is (trying) to make time in life for this passion of mine called writing.
My career has touched a multitude of different areas, including work in animal care and medicine, fundraising and nonprofit work, and professional relationship development and management. But at the end of those travels I have found myself here, writing what’s on my heart and hoping someone out there enjoys it.
I consider my readers my friends and truly love to hear from you. You can connect with me at writedana@thepracticeofpositivity.com. I appreciate your outreach and will do my best to respond in a timely manner. Also, don’t forget to sign up for my monthly newsletter below. My newsletters allow my readers to get a bit more personal with me as well as provide quick updates about the blog. That way you won’t miss a thing.
Blessings to you today and every day, and again, thank you for visiting me here!